I can't believe we have been here for six weeks already, and we only have six more weeks left. Time sure flies when you are having a good time. I would have never thought that Nashville was such a gem, but I guess I already said this. During these past few weeks we continue to go to places, and discover the amazing places Nashville has.
Here are some of the things we have done: A few weeks ago, we went to an exhibition of exotic cars, I guess anyone who ownes an expensive car, can go and park their car for display. I guess it was every guys dream place to be. I must say it was pretty awesome to see these fancy cars from up close.
Diego also has a fancy car as you can see. Next time we will make sure his is on display
We also attended a fun church activity, with some yummy food at a beautiful ranch, just minutes away from the city. It amazes me that you can be so close to the city, and feel so secluded and at peace in a place like this. I guess they have the best of both worlds here.
For those of you that follow me on Instragram already heard about this, but if not here it goes: I am going to be graduate student this fall at BYU. I am soooooo excited!!! After a few months of long nights studying and then, waiting those dreadful weeks waiting for a response. I must say I am pretty happy. SO he had to celebrate this big accomplishment with Sushi and Ice Cream my two favorite things!
Splash Pad adventure: Its funny how kids find the weirdest things to entertain themselves. He hardly played in the water. He found more fascinating the lady with the green umbrella. Oh kids!
We had lunch at this burger joint, everyone says its the best. And according to David they were the best. I must say though they didnt do justice to the sweet potato fries, I still think Guru's hold the winning place for best sweet potato fries
Walking in Radnor Lake
We are looking forward to having David's parents come and visit us here. We have some fun things planned for them, and we hope they come to love this place like we have. Until next time! I hope you are all having a good summer as well.
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